Pope Francis said Peru is a "land of hope" and believes its people have the duty to maintain unity to defend the reasons for cherishing such hope.
"Peru is a land of hope that invites and challenges its people to unity. These people have the duty to maintain unity, among other things, precisely to defend all these reasons for hope," he pointed out.
The Holy Father referred to the
Amazon as one of the reasons that make Peru a land of hope.
"It is overall the largest tropical forest and the most extensive river system on the planet," the Supreme Pontiff said.
"This lung, as it has been called, is one of the world's regions of great biodiversity, as it is home to a vast variety of species," he added.
Variety of cultures
Likewise, the Pontiff underlined Peru's wealth and variety of cultures, which increasingly intermingle and which make up the soul of these people.
"It is a soul characterized by ancestral values such as hospitality, esteem for others, respect and gratitude for mother earth and creativity for new initiatives […]," he expressed.
On the other hand, Francis emphasized that young people are the most vital gift that this society possesses.
"With their dynamism and enthusiasm, they promise, and encourage us to dream of, a hope-filled future, born of the meeting between your lofty ancestral wisdom and the new eyes that youth offers," he added.
The welcome ceremony featured the Manchay Orchestra, whose members played songs with religious content.
The event saw the presence of politicians —including former presidential candidates Keiko Fujimori and Lourdes Flores Nano— lawmakers, and ministers, among others.
Also attending was Peruvian national team's top striker and captain Paolo Guerrero.
Published: 1/19/2018