
Pope Francis invites Peruvian President to visit the Holy See

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Photo: Twitter

10:40 | Vatican City, Dec. 10.

Peruvian Foreign Affairs Minister Oscar Maurtua on Friday reported that Pope Francis extended an invitation to the President of the Republic Pedro Castillo to visit Vatican City soon.

In remarks to the press, after participating in a special audience with the Supreme Pontiff, the diplomat affirmed that he had conveyed the greeting from the Head of State to the leader of the Catholic Church, which this month commemorates the arrival of Christ into the world.

"In this sacrosanct month of December, I have conveyed to the Holy Father the special greeting from the Head of State, Pedro Castillo, to whom Pope Francis has also extended the warmest invitation to visit him at the Vatican promptly," he revealed.

Remarks were made after attending a special audience with all authorities and people who participated in the creation of the Christmas motifs exhibited at the Holy See, among which the 
Chopcca Nativity Scene occupies a special place at the heart of world's Catholicism.

The event was also attended by Peru's Exports and Tourism Promotion Board (PromPeru) Executive-President Amora Carbajal, Huancavelica Region Governor Maciste Diaz, Huancavelica Bishop Carlos Salcedo, and Peruvian artisans representative Manuel Breña, among others.

"Huancavelica has become a region of the country that has managed to transmit, like any Peruvian ambassador, a message from the bowels of the Andes (composed) of this creative, imaginative, suggestive art that our artisans craft and which is expressed through the beauty of the Chopcca Nativity Scene," the minister highlighted.

Moreover, the Cabinet member said the country believes in that "miraculous evolution that occurs constantly every year in which we celebrate the birth of the Savior, and that is what we want: a message of faith; Peru has faith in its reality and to attend to its needs, namely to (those of) deep Peru; besides, it has a highly manifested democratic vocation."


Published: 12/10/2021