Specialty coffees produced in Junin and Pasco rainforest regions captivate markets in Germany and
the United States. Representatives of 12 buying companies visited Peru to learn about the production process of this aromatic grain.
According to
Peru's Exports and Tourism Promotion Board (PromPeru), the visits were held between August 18 and 23 to 10 specialty coffee exporting companies in Junin and Pasco, as part of the dissemination strategy of the sectoral brand "Peruvian coffees, unique specialties."
The trade mission aimed to present the Peruvian supply available in Pangoa, Mazamari, Pichanaqui, La Merced (Junin), and Villa Rica (Pasco) to representatives of coffee shop chains and distributors from Germany and the United States.
They tested the product's high quality through several coffee cuppings and found out about the organic certifications in these regions, as well as other differentiating elements of this central-jungle-native product.
The trade route saw the participation of experts from PromPeru's Trade Offices (OCEXs) based in Hamburg (Germany) and Houston (the United States), plus representatives of the Central Macroregion Office.
According to PromPeru, the South-Central Specialty Coffee Trade Mission took place on August 4-9 and gathered 19 leading buyers from China, South Korea, Taiwan, and Australia, who contacted producers from Cusco, Pasco, and Junin regions.
Junin and Pasco coffees
Specialty coffees are distinguished by their superior quality due to the origin, variety, and consistency of their physical sensory properties and cultural practices.
Due to the diversity of climates and soil types, Peru is home to about 10 producing regions of specialty coffees.
Published: 9/3/2019