
Peruvian President: My Government's commitment is to restore peace and tranquility

Photo: ANDINA/Juan Carlos Guzman

Photo: ANDINA/Juan Carlos Guzman

12:05 | Lima, Sep. 6.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Wednesday strongly condemned the narco-terrorist acts recently registered in the Valley of Apurimac, Ene, and Mantaro Rivers (Vraem).

Within this framework, the top official reiterated her administration's commitment to the frontal fight against criminal acts.

"My Government's commitment is to restore peace and tranquility for Peruvians. Here, we will be firm in this fight not only against narcoterrorism but also against delinquency and organized crime," she said.

In this sense, Mrs. Boluarte conveyed solidarity and condolences to the families of the four brave soldiers who lost their lives during the confrontation with a terrorist convoy in Putis district, Huanta province (Ayacucho region) last Monday.

The president affirmed that the Executive Branch will work resolutely to restore peace and security for the population on a daily basis, hand-in-hand with other institutions, such as the Prosecutor's Office, the Judiciary, Congress, the Peruvian National Police, as well as regional and local governments.

"We all have to add to the defense of our homeland. United, all; disunited, we lose everything," she expressed.

Vehicle presentation

This event was held at the Hoyos Rubio Barracks in the Peruvian capital, Lima.

At the site, the top official congratulated the prompt and far-sighted action of the Defense Ministry and Armed Forces personnel that enabled the procurement of said units, as well as the Ministry of Economy for having allocated resources to purchase all the necessary logistics.

"We agreed, at the Council of Ministers, to generate the necessary resources so that the Ministry of Defense, as well as our (Peruvian) National Police and the other ministries, such as those of Housing, Transportation, and Agriculture, can rely on the necessary resources and we can work with great anticipation in the face of this Coastal El Niño phenomenon and also the cold spell issue," she specified.

Mrs. Boluarte indicated that the vast majority of these vehicles are already working in different regions.

Thus, the Head of State called on mayors and regional governors to carry out actions, with the aim of cleaning up river banks, as well as removing solid and regular waste from riparian zones located in their jurisdictions.

Similarly, she called on them to engage in coordination with the Army as a single team.

President Boluarte also insisted on the frontal fight against corruption and pointed out that she always reiterates to ministers, deputy ministers, and the entire Government team that they must work with clean hands and dedication to meet the country's needs.


Published: 9/6/2023