
Peruvian exports reach US$63.2 billion, hit record high in 2022

Courtesy of Mincetur

Courtesy of Mincetur

17:00 | Lima, Feb. 7.

Peruvian exports reached US$63.2 billion in 2022, marking a record high for the country, Deputy Foreign Trade Minister Teresa Mera reported on Tuesday.

The government official stressed that the amount represents an expansion of close to 4% compared to exports in 2021 (US$60.92 billion).

"This significant growth shows the resilience of the Peruvian economy. Non-traditional sales, which increased 5.4% in 2022, stood out as part of this momentum," she told Andina news agency.

Moreover, Mera commented that agricultural export was an important engine within non-traditional shipments last year.

Afterwards, the Deputy Minister remarked that the social unrest that erupted across the country in recent weeks has prevented Peru from exporting at levels close to its potential.

"By 2022, we expected higher growth in exports, but December events slowed things down a bit," she noted.

In this regard, the high-ranking official affirmed that the Executive Branch is working closely with exporters to identify their problems and help them reverse the impacts of this difficult situation.

"We are facilitating the transfer of products so that their shipments are not affected and they are delivered to their respective destinations in good condition," she highlighted.

Peru, Hong Kong begin FTA negotiations

On the other hand, Mera stated that the Ministry is fulfilling its goal of opening new markets for Peruvian products.

In this sense, she remarked that Peru and Hong Kong began the first round of trade negotiations for the signing of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).


Published: 2/7/2023