from the southern region of Arequipa —which features high genetic quality— reached the demanding markets of South Korea, the United Kingdom and Germany, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Minagri) has reported.
It was possible thanks to the implementation of the breeding management technology project developed by Minagri, in which Los Watayponchos Alpaca Breeding Cooperative members participated.
This technology allowed the training of 16 teachers, the classification of fiber at 11 collection centers and the mechanization of shearing techniques.
The efforts generated an increase in productivity from 3.5 to 4.4 pounds per
alpaca and an increase in the price from S/10 (US$3.33) to S/14 (US$4.66) per pound, thus favoring 118 beneficiaries.
For this reason, Minagri —through the
National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA)— invested more than S/278,000 (about US$92,667) in the acquisition of animals from the suri and huacya breeds, construction of fences for rotational grazing, rehabilitation of rustic canals, and fertilization of overgrazed areas.
In addition, software was used to monitor, evaluate, and project the genetic level of animals, thus allowing farmers to obtain exact information on characterization, gestation, weaning, and health, among others.
The project developed by INIA's National Program for Agrarian Innovation also facilitated training at workshops on health and herds, as well as a visit to the Quinsachata Research Center in Puno region, to learn about projects on animal management, health, genetic improvement, reproduction, and feeding.