
Peru's President calls for national crusade for restart of school classes

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic

11:21 | Lima, Feb. 21.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Monday morning called for a national crusade for the restart of school classes, noting that the Government is committed to reversing the educational crisis.

"We call on teachers, parents, regional governors, mayors, and all the people who love this country to go on a responsible crusade for the restart of the school year," the President expressed.

He underscored that this crusade should include the implementation of the new national school curriculum and the update of the General Education Law with the participation of all actors and figures in the sector.

"We are committed to reversing the educational crisis (...). We are here to cope with it and provide solutions. We have come to provide solutions, not to complain about the major problems of the country," the Head of State pointed out.

Mr. Castillo's remarks were delivered after his participation in an activity held in Lima's Lurin district, where he supervised the functioning of school tablets that will be used for the return to school classes in March.

During the activity, the dignitary announced that three companies have offered to provide the entire country with Internet.

"People used to say that we have come to chase companies away, but there are companies interested in contributing to the country and to facilitating Internet connection of people in the most remote areas," he said.

During his visit, the President inspected a batch of more than 150,000 tablets, which will be distributed throughout the country as part of the strategy for the closure of the digital gap in education.

The Ministry of Education (Minedu) reported that nearly 320,000 tablets will be distributed in total. They will benefit over 16,000 public schools in localities affected by extreme poverty.

According to the country's top official, the delivery of tablets to school students will improve their digital competences needed in the activities of the Aprendo en Casa (I Learn at Home) program.


Published: 2/21/2022