
Peru's President: Bill on open admission to universities ready to be submitted to Congress

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic

13:32 | Lima, Mar. 21.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Monday affirmed that the Government has the bill on open admission to universities —aimed at students who complete high school education— ready for introduction in Parliament.

"The Ministry of Education, the Cabinet, have the bill ready for introduction in Congress (…). We will continue to work within this framework every day," he said.

His remarks were delivered during a ceremony marking the start of the 2022 school year at Pre-school Education Institution No. 527 Niño Jesus de Praga located in Lima's Pachacamac district.

The Head of State also noted that the start of the school year is a new step in the Government's effort and commitment to an institutional right such as education.

"Nobody and nothing can make it go backwards," he said after noting that the return to face-to-face classes is the result of efforts in all three levels of government, parents, and teachers.

Under this premise, he estimated that all students will be back in classrooms by March 28, after two years of virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the dignitary, more than 4 million students returned to classrooms last Monday, and today over a million schoolchildren across the country do likewise.

"This is a result of joint efforts; nobody can claim credit for this task alone. It is an effort for children to be good citizens," he stated.

In addition to education, he said, the Government is concerned about nutrition and health of students, so work will focus on detecting vision and hearing problems across the country, among other things, so as to help families.

"The start of the school year is just the first step," Mr. Castillo remarked.


Published: 3/21/2022