
Peru's President attends launch of project in favor of Amazon women

Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra in Tamshiyacu, a locality in the rainforest region of Loreto. Photo: ANDINA/MIDIS

Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra in Tamshiyacu, a locality in the rainforest region of Loreto. Photo: ANDINA/MIDIS

14:29 | Tamshiyacu (Loreto region), Oct. 20.

Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra on Tuesday took part in a ceremony to present the executing unit of the Noa Jayatai-Mujer (Woman) project in Tamshiyacu, a locality in the rainforest region of Loreto.

This is the first executing unit made up of indigenous women from the Peruvian Amazon, the Presidency of the Republic reported.

The Head of State was joined by Ministers Patricia Donayre (Development and Social Inclusion) and Carlos Estremadoyro (Transport and Communications).

Afterwards, he attended the launch of Cultivos Ancestrales (Ancient Crops), a strategy aimed at promoting the role of senior citizens as bearers of active cultural knowledge, wisdom, and practices that are part of local development in the district of Fernando Lores. 


Published: 10/20/2020