on Wednesday affirmed that there will be no prisoners enjoying any privileges, after indicating that
Likewise, the high-ranking official said that the Government is working hard to combat and reduce corruption in prisons as much as possible.
"There will be no prisoners with privileges from now on. The Government of
(President) Pedro Castillo has made a statement in this regard and said that it will not tolerate violations of security measures by inmates anymore," he expressed.
According to the Cabinet member, Montesinos was transferred to Ancon II between 03:00 a.m. and 03:30 a.m. At the penitentiary center he will be classified, and then he will probably be transferred to Ancon I prison —the place that would correspond to him.
In statements to Exitosa radio, the minister affirmed that Montesinos could not be transferred to Challapalca prison, because he has chronic diseases and is 76 years old.
"He cannot be taken to that prison if he is over 65 years of age," Torres noted.
"That man has been convicted of various crimes such as qualified homicide; aggravated kidnapping; intervention in a foreign country, in the case of sale of weapons to the FARC in Colombia, among others," he explained.
His longest sentence for those crimes is 25 years. It began on June 25, 2001 and will end on June 24, 2026.
Moreover, the minister indicated that the investigations carried out by the Navy into the phone calls made by Montesinos during the electoral campaign —which violated security measures— should be completed soon.
In this sense, the government official affirmed that measures should be taken so that events like this do not happen again.
Torres also reported that the transfer of terrorist leaders and other inmates held at Callao Naval Base prison is being evaluated.
When asked if the situation of former President Alberto Fujimori —who is serving a sentence over crimes of corruption and against human rights at Lima-based Diroes prison— he indicated that everything is under evaluation.
Vladimiro Montesinos
Montesinos —the former advisor to Alberto Fujimori's Government (1990-2000)— has been held at the Maximum Security Detention Center (CEREC) in the Callao Naval Base since 2021.
He is serving sentences for crimes of corruption of officials, usurpation of functions, money laundering, aggravated kidnapping, conspiracy and arms trafficking, qualified homicide, and enforced disappearance.