Scientific studies show that people not vaccinated against COVID-19 are about 21 times more likely to suffer a coronavirus-associated death and 10 times more likely to be hospitalized than those who were vaccinated, Peru's
Health Minister Hernando Cevallos has warned.
For this reason, he urged people to continue complying with biosafety measures in order to avoid an increase in infections, such as social distancing, wearing two face masks or one KN95, as well as avoiding crowds and non-ventilated indoor spaces.
The government official reminded people that the presentation of the two-dose vaccination certificate will continue to be required at indoor public places. This measure will also apply to means of transportation.
"The visitor capacity at the most crowded places has been reduced to 60%. The night curfew will run from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. to avoid massive gatherings that usually take place during Christmas and New Year holidays," he said.
As for beaches, Cevallos recalled that no restriction has been imposed in this regard; however, every municipal government will implement their own restrictions, according to the characteristics of each space.
Nevertheless, the Government has prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages and food on beaches, rivers, and public pools on December 25, 26, and 31, as well as on January 1 and 2.
On the other hand, the minister confirmed that Peru has signed a contract with the Pfizer laboratory for it to supply —in the first half of January next year— the first batch of vaccines to inoculate 3,700,000 children aged 5-11.
"Thus, the vaccination process would begin between January and February so that the return to in-person classes can be done with greater safety margins," he pointed out.
Published: 12/23/2021