, which maintains the main forecasts for economic indicators, due to the fact that a progressive improvement in economic activities has been observed, which will continue consolidating as greater control of the pandemic is achieved and the vaccination process moves forward.
On the other hand, imported goods volume increased 42.6% in March, associated with a generalized recovery in all areas, mainly intermediate inputs and capital goods, which reflects the increase in domestic demand.
In addition, sales registered on electronic invoices continued to increase. That was the case of commerce sector sales, which rose by 87% in March and accumulated nine months of consecutive growth.
In this period, private investment would be boosted by the continuity in the execution of infrastructure projects such as Lima and Callao Metro Line 2, Jorge Chavez International Airport expansion, and Chancay Port Terminal development.
During this period, among other aspects, the startup of construction of prioritized works is expected under the Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) modality, mainly of projects to be awarded in 2021 (14 for a total amount of US$5.4 billion).