
Peru's exports to U.S. amounted to over US$91 billion since FTA enforcement

08:32 | Lima, Jul. 4.

Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Juan Carlos Mathews highlighted that Peruvian exports to the United States have totaled US$91.95 billion between February 2009 and January 2023 since the entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between both countries.

Mathews made these remarks during his presentation, called "The Status of Trade Agreements and Tourism Reactivation," held at the headquarters of the American Chamber of Commerce of Peru (Amcham Peru).

In his speech, the minister noted that Peruvian exports to the United States posted an average annual growth of 3% and currently account for 50% of non-traditional shipments.

"Trade between Peru and the United States reached US$11.033 billion in 2008 and US$21.950 billion in 2022," he said.

"This (the latter) amount represents a 36.4% growth compared to that of 2021 (US$16.091 billion)," the minister explained.

The Cabinet member underscored that, between February 2009 and January 2023, the sectors that experienced the highest average annual growth were non-metallic mining (16.5%) and agriculture (12.9%). 

Moreover, the sectors with the highest shares in exports to the United States to date are agriculture (24.7%) and textile (10.5%).

"Nowadays, the United States is Peru's second most important partner and the first destination for Peruvian agricultural and textile products," he added.

Non-traditional exports

On the other hand, the government official reported that non-traditional exports to U.S. reached US$5.624 billion in 2022, a 18% increase compared to 2021 (US%4.780 billion).

"Non-traditional farming shipments went from US$580 million in 2009 to US$3.077 billion in 2022. Likewise, value-added textile-garment exports rose from US$605 million in 2009 to US$1.008 billion in 2022," he pointed out.


Published: 7/4/2023