
Peru's Defense Min: 150 Chavin de Huantar landslide victims receive care at terminal

10:46 | Lima, Jul. 1.

Around 150 people —including children and adults— affected by a landslide and rock falls in Chavin de Huantar district, Huari province, receive care at the bus terminal located in the area, Defense Minister Jose Luis Gavidia reported on Friday morning.

Within this framework, the Cabinet member indicated that an emergency shelter was set up at Chavin de Huantar terminal, where victims affected by disaster, namely children, were able to sleep and receive food.

The Defense sector's head —who has been in the emergency zone since Thursday night— confirmed that between 50 and 60 homes were destroyed by the tons of rocks which fell on Cruz de Challapa area.

Another similar number of properties was affected. The occupants still cannot return to them due to the ongoing fall of rocks.

Likewise, the government official highlighted the fact that there have been no deaths or injuries reported so far.

He also ruled out that there might be missing people.

Furthermore, he reported that there are currently 70 National Police agents in the affected area, who have cordoned off the zone to prevent residents from returning to their homes due to the existing danger.

Moreover, the Defense minister announced that a contingent of 70 Peruvian Army Infantry Brigade members will arrive in the next few hours to reinforce control of the zone.

"The governor of Ancash, representatives of the National Civil Defense Institute (Indeci) from Lima, among others, will also arrive (in this area); joined by them, the district mayor, the police chief, and other authorities, we will give an assessment and evaluate the next actions to be taken," he explained.

Lastly, Minister Gavidia said they will wait for the report from Antamina mining company and Indeci geologists on the risks that the hill represents so as to determine which measures must be implemented.


Published: 7/1/2022