
Peru's Alberto Borea presents candidacy for IACtHR before OAS

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

13:41 | Washington, D.C. (U.S.), May. 29.

Jurist Alberto Borea on Wednesday presented his candidacy for Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) judge before the Organization of American States (OAS) Permanent Council in Washington, D.C., United States.

On this occasion, Borea was accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea, whom he thanked for his support.

"I want to be a judge who protects the Americas and Pan-American citizens, with prudence, serenity, balance, maturity, and firmness," Borea expressed. 

He said the magistrates who make up the IACtHR must be clear that member countries have legal norms which must be taken into account.

During his presentation, the jurist said he has "total independence and autonomy of thought" regarding the current Peruvian Government, since he does not hold any public position in the State.

Similarly, Borea stated that Peru "can contribute even more" to the Inter-American Human Rights System and the Court.

He noted that his candidacy "is the expression of Peru's firm commitment to the OAS, as well as to the principles and values that underpin it."

Fight against dictatorships

When recalling his career, Borea underscored that he has been "committed to defending human rights and democracy."

"I have fought against dictators all my life," he said, expressly mentioning his opposition to the past military government (1968–1980) and that of Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000).

Borea also highlighted his role as founder of the Democratic Forum —an entity that confronted Fujimori's government after the 1992 coup d'état— as well as his work as a lawyer defending Gustavo Cesti and Baruch Ivcher, citizens persecuted by said regime.

Likewise, the candidate mentioned having served as deputy and senator, in addition to his work as constitutional law professor for 20 years and the 12 books that he has published on this subject.

In his speech, Borea recalled that he had served as Peru's Representative to the OAS, where he presided over the Committee on Judicial and Political Affairs, and created the Lectures of the Americas program, which still exists.


Published: 5/29/2024