
Peru welcomed over 2.5 million foreign tourists in 2023

Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP

10:17 | Lima, Feb. 8.

Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Juan Carlos Mathews reported that 2,524,658 tourists visited Peru in 2023, which represented a year-on-year growth of 25.7% that exceeded initial projections.

"This result was possible thanks to the coordinated efforts between the Government and the private sector. Tourism means more than incomes, foreign currencies, and employment for the country. Our efforts are focused on reaching pre-pandemic figures as soon as possible," the Foreign Trade and Tourism sector's head said on January 9.

According to information provided the National Superintendence of Migrations, the main source markets of foreign tourists last year were Chile (accounting for 23.5% of the total), United States (19.4%), Ecuador (9.5%), Colombia (5.8%), and Bolivia (5.3%).

On the other hand, the most dynamic markets were the Asian ones: Hong Kong (+254%), Taiwan (+208%), China (+189%), Korea (+178%), Malaysia (+138%), and Singapore (+128%).

Regional blocs 

On a regional scale, South America concentrated 53.8% of total arrivals (1,359,344 international tourists), registering a growth of 45%. 

On the other hand, North America accounted for 24.3% of the total (613,000 visitors; up 5.4%), Europe and Asia (the most dynamic region) followed with shares of 14.9% (up 1.2%) and 3.4% (up 82.6%), respectively; while Central America accounted for 2.7% (up 15.4%). 

Regarding data disaggregated by immigration control posts, Jorge Chavez International Airport welcomed 1.6 million foreign tourists, which represented 65.1% of the total.

For its part, Santa Rosa Border Control Post in Tacna region reported the entry of 446,000 international visitors into the country, accounting for 17.7% of the total.

In addition, the Binational Border Service Center (CEBAF) in Tumbes region concentrated 8.1% (204,000) of total arrivals, while the Desaguadero/Carancas/CEBAF Border Control Post in Puno region accounted for 4.5% (114,000) of the total.

Minister Mathews assured that Peru will have better prospects in terms of inbound and domestic tourism in 2024 and emphasized that the country will be in the global spotlight as it will host meetings of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum.

"To this, we must add the tourism promotion campaigns that will be launched through the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism (PromPeru). It is vital to strengthen incoming tourism, by increasing visitor confidence," the Mincetur's head remarked.


Published: 2/8/2024