
Peru: Today marks 29 years since capture of Shining Path ringleader Abimael Guzman

Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP

09:36 | Lima, Sep. 12.

On September 12, the National Police Special Intelligence Group (GEIN) captured Shining Path terrorist organization ringleader Abimael Guzman Reinoso, who passed away on Saturday morning. This article examines such a historic event, which happened 29 years ago.

The 'Victory Operation' took place that day under the leadership of Benedicto Jimenez and Marco Miyashiro, two police officers —from GEIN, created in 1990— who managed to get close to the Shining Path leaders.

Victory Operation starts

Guzman's last day of freedom started with agents Ana Cecilia (Seagull) and Julio Becerra (Squirrel) going to a grocery store next to the dwelling inhabited by Shining Path members Carlos Inchaustegui and Maritza Garrido-Lecca in Lima's Surquillo district.

Both individuals had rented the place to hide the main leaders of the above-mentioned terror group. However, the house operated as a dance studio.

Seagull and Squirrel were replacing two male agents who had been assigned the task of surveillance. They were relieved of this responsibility so as not to arouse suspicion among the house's inhabitants.

Given the high suspicion that the Shining Path leaders were hiding in this house, police agents were just waiting for an order for entry with a clear task: to prevent the home's front door from closing at all costs once Garrido-Lecca's and Inchaustegui's visits leave the place.

Seagull had a portable radio, which she used to communicate with other agents who were conducting surveillance in the surrounding area. The cordon was ready and was getting tighter and tighter.

The sound of people moving was heard inside the house before 8 p.m., and half an hour later, the doors opened and the guests left. It was at that time that Seagull and Squirrel looked at each other and nodded their heads: "This is the time."

They drew their weapons, identified themselves, and asked everyone to stay where they were.

Garrido-Lecca began to yell that they were being robbed. Inchaustegui leaped on Squirrel to take the gun off him, but Seagull reacted shooting in the air. That was the signal the remaining agents were awaiting in order to get in.

Squirrel entered the house and saw a woman who was going upstairs. The agent followed her into a room, where he found Abimael Guzman sitting behind a desk. 

"If you move, I will kill you," Squirrel warned him. The Shining Path top leader was captured 12 years after he declared war on Peru.


Published: 9/12/2021