
Peru: Strong explosion registered at Ubinas Volcano

Photo: Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP)

Photo: Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP)

11:31 | General Sanchez Cerro (Moquegua region), Jul. 20

A strong explosion was registered at Ubinas Volcano —located in Peru's southern Sanchez Cerro province, Moquegua region— on Wednesday morning.

It was accompanied by emission of ash and gases that reached 4,000 meters above the crater, the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) has reported.

The institution specified that the explosion and ash release from Ubinas occurred around 05:30 a.m. (local time).

According to its first release, the IGP warned that the ash would affect San Juan de Tarucani district (Arequipa region) and its populated centers.

Similarly, the scientific body specified that the ash dispersion radius would be greater than 15 kilometers.

It added that ash and gases are dispersed over the west and southwest, precisely where San Juan de Tarucani is located.

According to the second release, issued at 7:50 a.m., the IGP indicated that the detonation, as well as the subsequent release of ash and gases will reach a radius greater than 60 kilometers.

Furthermore, it warned that ash will reach Arequipa province, also affecting the metropolitan area, where the region's capital is located.

For its part, the National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) said the Geological, Mining, and Metallurgical Institute (Ingemmet) had forecast that ash could point to the north and northeast, where Salinas de Huito, Santa Lucia de Salinas, Salinas Moche, Logen, Ajana, and San Juan de Tacurani populated centers are located.

Moreover, the IGP underscored that personnel from Moquegua Region Government's Disaster Risk Management Subdivision, as well as from the Citizen Security and National Defense Departments travelled to Ubinas district to carry out the respective monitoring and coordinate preparedness actions. 

In turn, representatives of said district's municipality, as well as those of Matalaque, Chojata, Lloque, Ichuña, Yunga, and Coalaque, continue to monitor the exposed areas.

Last June, the Ubinas Volcano had entered a new eruptive stage featuring successive explosions and ash emission, which prompted the declaration of an orange alert in the area.

As the explosions grew stronger, the Government declared a state of emergency in the zone.


Published: 7/20/2023