Energy and Mines Minister Gonzalo Tamayo estimates the Southern Gas Pipeline tendering process will be relaunched within the first quarter of next year.
Call for tenders will be launched by Peru's State-run Private Investment Promotion Agency (ProInversion).
In statements to the press, Tamayo said the new funding scheme will be available in two months, at the latest.
He went on to inform of the interest expressed by several investors in the Southern Gas Pipeline.
As is known, former concessionaire consortium Gasoducto Sur Peruano (Peruvian Southern Gas Pipeline) was forced to return the concession after missing a key financing deadline on Jan 23, amidst Odebrecht's massive graft scandal.
Composed of Brazilian Odebrecht, Spanish Enagas and Peruvian Graña y Montero, the consortium was also assessed a millionaire sum in guarantees for breach of the said contract (US$262.5 million), which was fully cashed in January.
Published: 4/18/2017