on Saturday highlighted the creation of the Afro-Peruvian People Information Registry (RIPA) —a legal instrument that will be of great use for closing gaps in serving the country's second-largest original people.
"Supreme Decree Nº 012-2022, issued by the
Ministry of Culture, which creates and puts into force the Afro-Peruvian People Information Registry (RIPA), has been published in the
Official Gazette El Peruano today," she detailed from the ministry headquarters in Lima.
The government official stated that this rule will allow the identification, location, description, and knowledge of this Peruvian group, made up of more than 800,000 inhabitants, "which makes them the second-largest original people of Peru."
"Said record will contribute to the recognition of their culture and history, to the closing of social and economic gaps, as well as to the improvement of public services, to raising their quality of life and, above all, their well-being," she indicated.
The minister affirmed the registry will bring public entities closer to this numerous population, removing "the great barriers and old practices of a State that had historically excluded this rich cultural, Andean, Amazonian, and
Afro-Peruvian diversity."
The RIPA will contribute to integrating the information generated by public and private entities, academia, and civil society organizations, with the aim of strengthening informed consultation mechanisms for decision-making.
Moreover, the Cabinet member thanked the Deputy Interculturality minister and her team for the preparation of this important public policy management instrument.
She also asked the Afro-Peruvian collectives to make the necessary efforts for its prompt implementation and operation.