
Peru President opens tunnel to relieve landslide-caused traffic

ANDINA/Prensa Presidencia

10:02 | Huarochiri (Lima region), Feb. 8.

President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski on Wednesday morning opened tunnel Chacahuaro 2, a major venture at Central Highway that will facilitate traffic flow from Lima to the country's central regions and vice-versa.

As a result, the 360-meter tunnel will contribute to alleviate traffic congestion caused by constant landslides in the area. 

As is known, the Inca nation has been at the mercy of several landslides over the past weeks, because of torrential downpours overflowing rivers in different regions.

"This kind of project is key to avoid landslides, which are usually unavoidable," said the Head of State before heading to the area. 

The tunnel is located in Matucana locality, in Lima's Huarochiri province.  

The structure will also help integrate Peru's highlands and jungle regions to the capital and central coast, thus allowing significant savings in transport costs and hours on the road.

The project required an estimated investment of over S/23 million (about US$6.98 million) and will benefit Junin, Pasco, Huanuco, Ucayali, San Martin, Huancavelica and Ayacucho regions, as well as Huarochiri province.


Published: 2/8/2017