
Peru President notes Corongo's ancient water management

15:38 | Corongo (Ancash region), Jun. 28.

Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra on Thursday highlighted the Traditional System of Corongo's Water Judges, inscribed last year on the UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Speaking from an award ceremony in recognition of this system, the statesman affirmed water is one of the resources the population is struggling to access in the face of climate change effects.

"You appreciate your tradition, you respect it, but you do not know what this means. Being recognized by UNESCO means that you teach humanity and that you contribute with a successful system," he stated.

According to the Head of State, Corongo has an efficient ancient water management that is currently recognized by UNESCO and countries around the world.

"This demonstrates we don't need much technology to protect water. Instead, we require management and authority. And that's what you've proven. That's why I'm here, to pay tribute to water judges and follow suit," he added.

In this sense, the Peruvian leader said this successful practice must be copied by all water basins across the country since one of his administration's priorities is to develop an adequate use of this resource for all Peruvians.

"More than the UNESCO diploma, what matters here is the recognition for passing down this tradition from generation to generation. That is valuable and creates a sense of pride among the people," he added.

Held in Ancash region, the ceremony was attended by Peru's Culture Minister Patricia Balbuena, UNESCO Representative in Peru Magaly Robalino, as well as local and regional authorities.


Published: 6/28/2018