
Peru: President flies over areas affected by rains in Cajamarca

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

09:43 | Cajamarca (Cajamarca region), Mar. 7.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Monday morning flew over the areas affected by the intense rains that fell on Cajamarca region, in northern Peru.

On this occasion, the Head of State was joined by Ministers Nicolas Bustamante (Transportation and Communications), Jose Luis Gavidia (Defense) and Geiner Alvarado (Housing, Construction and Sanitation).

Those sectors execute actions for the rehabilitation of the affected districts, the Presidential Office reported on Twitter.

Last Saturday, the Executive Branch declared a state of emergency for 60 days in several districts of provinces in Cajamarca due to the impact registered following the intense rains that had fallen on the region.

The emergency will allow the execution of prompt and necessary emergency measures and actions of response and rehabilitation —as established by Supreme Decree 017-2022-PCM published in the Official Gazette El Peruano.

The districts declared in state of emergency are: Cachachi, Cajabamba and Sitacocha (Cajatamba province); Cajamarca and Los Baños del Inca (Cajamarca province).

The measure was also imposed on: Celendín, Chumuch and Cortegana (Celendín province); Chiguirip and Lajas (Chota province); Choros, La Ramada, Querocotillo and Santo Tomas (Cutervo province); Chugur (Hualgayoc province); Colasay, Las Pirias and Jaen (Jaen province); plus La Esperanza and Chancay-Baños (Santa Cruz province).


Published: 3/7/2022