on Friday evening announced the reshuffle of his Ministerial Cabinet.
The Head of State recalled that
Prime Minister Hector Valer —who was sworn in on February 1— earlier today requested Congress of the Republic to allow him to present the Government's general policy "with the immediacy that it deserves" because "the country can no longer wait for the solution to its demands."
"However, Parliament has expressed its denial of this urgent request," Mr. Castillo said.
"Therefore, I have made the decision to reshuffle the Ministerial Cabinet, and these changes will be made taking into account the opening to the country's political, academic and professional force since —beyond the ways of thinking or ideologies— we must aim to serve in the best way the ordinary Peruvian (citizen) who struggles day by day, the entrepreneur who is the engine of the country, as well as our brothers and sisters from deep Peru," he expressed.
The top official indicated that the challenges facing Peru are enormous and require the unity and commitment of all Peruvians.
Likewise, he argued that during the last five years Peru has lived in permanent uncertainty due to the useless confrontation between the two State powers.
"As a result of that, we had four presidents and a dissolved Congress with the consequent political, economic and social instability. Our citizens, especially the poorest ones, do not want to see more confrontations, obstructionist or anti-democratic behavior, nor announcements of impeachments, dissolution of Congress, or bills to reduce powers from Parliament or the Executive Branch, or unjustified interpellations and censures. We must not stay on the same page, let's learn from the past," he said.
In this sense, the President affirmed that at this crucial hour the country demands from its authorities a responsible behavior, which means dedicating their entire time and efforts to solving its most urgent demands.
"Today, the great challenges facing our country are how to contain the pandemic; the environmental emergency; the emergency due to citizen insecurity; the return to in-person school classes; the fight against corruption and against violence that targets women; social conflicts; the economic reactivation; the massive use of (natural) gas; the second agrarian reform; fair prices for water, electricity, phone and others," he added.
Furthermore, the Head of State called on Congress to prioritize the more than 20 bills, which in recent months have been submitted by the Executive Branch to Parliament, among which are the massive use of natural gas; the creation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Research; the set of anti-corruption bills; and the initiative that adequately regulates the impeachment and confidence motions.
"The country demands that its authorities prove, with actions rather than with words, that we are focused on attending to its great priorities," Mr. Castillo noted.
"Once again, I ratify before the Peruvian people that our commitment is firm, and this commitment that I have towards the country will always be fulfilled by promoting the changes we need so as to build a more just and equitable country," he concluded.