
Peru: President calls on State ministers to respond quickly to demands of towns

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic

17:08 | Huangamarca (Cajamarca region), Nov. 12.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Saturday asked Ministers of Health, Defense, Interior, and Environment to provide immediate solutions to the main needs of population centers and provinces across the country.

The request was made during a meeting with the people of Huangamarca, in the province of Hualgayoc in Cajamarca region, which marked the anniversary of the town's fight for the environment. 

At the event, the Head of State demanded that the engineering battalions of the Peruvian Army work on the strengthening of highways.

"Towns like Huangamarca need health care and must be assisted immediately, because there is a family struggling to move the country forward behind each patroller or peasant, but they will not be able to do so if they have a government on their backs," he noted.

Likewise, the President requested that more police posts be established so that the inhabitants of the population centers and rural provinces can be adequately treated.

Regarding the environmental issue, the dignitary pledged to provide the necessary budgetary resources to enable a more efficient management of environmental mining liabilities. 

In this context, Mr. Castillo highlighted the efforts of rural community patrollers to alleviate the effects of mining contamination.

In addition, the country's top official affirmed that the Executive Branch will work on a rule to provide community patrollers with the necessary benefits, so that they can continue to carry out their work effectively.


Published: 11/12/2022