
Peru: Presidency provides support to Prosecutor's Office for preliminary proceedings

Photo: ANDINA/Archive

Photo: ANDINA/Archive

14:05 | Lima, Nov. 19.

The Presidency of the Republic on Friday reported that all support is being provided so that Public Ministry representatives can carry out their work due to the start of preliminary proceedings against resigning Secretary General of the Presidential Office, Bruno Pacheco.

Via Twitter, the Peruvian Government expressed its support for the inquiry within the framework of full respect for the functions of justice administration institutions.

Earlier today, the Public Ministry initiated preliminary proceedings against Bruno Pacheco and those who will be found responsible for the alleged crime against the public administration, namely influence peddling to the detriment of the Peruvian State.

The autonomous institution reported that the investigation by the Prosecutor's Office Specialized in Corruption Offenses by Officials is under the coordination of Superior Prosecutor Omar Tello.


Published: 11/19/2021