
Peru: PM leads High-Level Anti-Corruption Commission session

14:05 | Lima, Mar. 3.

Peruvian Prime Minister Vicente Zeballos on Tuesday chaired the 36th session of the High-Level Anti-Corruption Commission (CAN) in the capital city of Lima.

The event served to present the preparatory actions for the organization of the 
United Nations Extraordinary General Assembly against Corruption.

The assembly will be held on April 26-28, 2021, at the initiative of Peru and Colombia. There, a Political Declaration is expected to be adopted through consensus that will emerge from intergovernmental negotiations.

Judicial Branch Chairman Jose Luis Lecaros, Attorney General Zoraida Avalos, Constitutional Court Chairwoman Marianella Ledesma, National Justice Board Chairman Aldo Vasquez, and Justice-Human Rights Minister Fernando Castañeda attended the meeting.

The Chair of the National Assembly of Regional Governments (ANGR) Servando Garcia and Association of Municipalities of Peru (AMPE) Head Alvaro Paz de La Barra were also present on the occasion.

The CAN is a space for articulation and coordination among public, private, and civil society institutions. Its objective is to propose short, medium, and long-term policies aimed at preventing and combating corruption in the country.

It must be noted this is an entity attached to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM).


Published: 3/3/2020