10:55 | Cusco (Cusco region), May. 21.
Around 600,000 Catholics and tourists from Cusco, Lima, Arequipa, Puno and overseas will make a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Lord of Qoyllur Riti, whose festivity will be celebrated on June 14-21.
Pre-pilgrimage activities will open on May 30 with Christ's ascension in Ocongate district, located in Quispicanchi province, where the so-called Lord of the Snow Star is kept.
Nolberto Vega Cutipa, head of Consejo de Naciones (Council of Nations)—organizer of the Andean Catholic observance— said pilgrims will arrive from different regions on June 13, stay until June 20, and begin their return journey on March 21, nine days later, proving their faith, devotion and reflection at 5,000 meters above sea level.

"More than 500,000 pilgrims attended last year's edition. This year, we expect 600,000, of which 60,000 will come from the eight Nations (Paucartambo, Quispicanchi, Paruro, Acomayo, Tahuantinsuyo, Urubamba, Canchis, and Anta)," he pointed out.
One of the problems that still requires special attention is the amount of garbage piled up on the streets.
In this regard, Vega said the environmental impact will be reduced thanks to the intervention of Water and Environment Management Institute (IMA) of Cusco's Regional Government, with the use of logistics solid waste management.
The safety of attendees will be a priority. Therefore, police officers, municipal patrol guards, and the pablitos or "ukumaris" —people responsible for the safety of the event— will be deployed along the route during the pilgrimage.
Published: 5/21/2019