The head of
, in order to report on the organization of the general elections scheduled for April 11, 2021.
The head of the electoral body addressed the four lines of action that will be in force during the elections, as well as the implementation of biosafety protocols to avoid COVID-19 contagion.
In this sense, the official explained that the strategy consisting of many polling stations hosting few polling booths will lead to avoiding crowds.
Therefore, expanding by 125% the implementation of polling stations "is very important in times of pandemic."
"The general elections will run from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We are promoting staggered voting so that citizens come to vote avoiding queues," he indicated.
Concerning polling places, the ONPE head explained that there will be a voting table per school classroom, adding that two voting booths will be placed in each one of these, which "will enable the flow of voters to be reduced by half."
Regarding the training of polling station members, Corvetto assured that they will be able to conduct it through the OpenEduca platform.
As for the counting of votes, he explained that it will be done through the Automated Scrutiny System —a tool which facilitates the work of polling station members.
"We are implementing the Automated Scrutiny System at voting centers with the largest number of polling tables," he added.
After completing his presentation, the ONPE head and the EU mission members stated that they will permanently coordinate their participation as observers.