
Peru: Non-traditional agricultural exports up 45.6% in July 2024

09:30 | Lima, Sep. 20.

Last July, agricultural product sales abroad totaled US$925 million, which represented a year-on-year growth of 45.6%, the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) reported.

This monthly result was mainly driven by high prices of agricultural export products.

These experienced an increase (+24.8%) due to lower Peruvian supply of some products in the world market, following the adverse weather conditions in 2023, as well as by the rise in cacao prices (+198.9%) in the global market.

Last July, the sector's shipped volumes grew by 16.7% for the second consecutive month.

This growth was supported by higher sales of tangerines (+100.6%), favored by cold weather this year, cacao (+96.5%) and paprika (+15.1%).

During the first seven months of this year, agricultural product sales abroad totaled US$4.92 billion. This amount represented a 15.7% growth over the same period of the previous year (US$4.254 billion).

The increase was driven by higher prices of non-traditional agricultural products, which rose 26.1%.


Published: 9/20/2024