
Peru: Nazca Cahuachi complex welcomes around 150 visitors every day


13:50 | Nazca (Ica region), Aug. 18.

Between July and August the Cahuachi Archaeological Complex, considered the largest abode ceremonial center and the most important landmark belonging to the Nazca culture, usually welcomes about 150 domestic and foreign tourists every day, it was announced.

This was revealed by Italian lead archaeologist Giuseppe Orefici, one of the researchers at the ceremonial center located in Peru’s Southern Nazca province (Ica region).

Cahuachi, situated 28 kilometers from the city of Nazca, was visited by 50-70 travelers every day during the preceding months. Most foreign visitors came from European countries, Orefici reminded.

"With better highways, an interpretation center and a cafeteria, we could easily welcome 200 tourists every day, who would stay overnight in Nazca and benefit from a range of services," the researcher told Andina news agency.

Cahuachi site

Admission into the complex is free and visitors become amazed by gazing at the large group of buildings, surrounded by a perimeter wall, which protects them.

At the site the Great Pyramid, Orange Pyramid (tomb of the priestess girl), the Great Temple, the Staggered Temple and mounds stand out.

The main ceremonial worship pyramid is made of adobe. It is 28 meters tall and 100 meters wide. Likewise, it is attached to a hill. Inside, seven staggered platforms are to be seen. Other ceremonial squares and cemeteries complement the site.

It could not be considered a citadel because stoves, landfills or housing units are not to be found in the area. People lived on the outskirts of Cahuachi. They only met in the place for their ceremonies, Orefici indicated.

Concerning excavation, the Italian archaeologist mentioned works are currently carried out with the aim of enhancing the value of a small sector, which accounts for less than one percent of the entire area.

It must be noted the said compound is bigger than pre-Columbian Citadel of Chan Chan, built by Chimues and situated in La Libertad region.


Published: 8/18/2015