The eight edition of gastronomic fair 'Mistura', to be held this year, will be more “experiential,” and is expected to include “innovation” as its main theme, affirmed Mariano Valderrama, Vice President of the Peruvian Society of Gastronomy (Apega).
In order to turn it into a more “experiential” visit, the gastronomic stands will be designed according to the picanterias, huariques and other places, which are linked to regional kitchens.
In this matter, the food exhibitor will wear typical costumes. Music from the original region will have to be played in the background. Cultural activities, linked to each of the to-be-displayed regions, will also be included in the show.
This way, the fair will have “more flavor,” Valderrama forecasted.
In this sense, the Vice President assured the members of the Apega Directorate will pay visits to several regions of the country in the months previous to the fair.
The visits intend to engage the regional Chambers of Commerce, governorships, local governments, cooks and farmers in the process, so those participate in a “more actively” way during fair.
“We want you to know that being in Mistura means not only to sell food, but also to remark the cultural richness, the touristic and cultural spaces, and the quality and competitiveness,” he expressed.
Regarding innovation, at each stage of its history, Peru has shown its constant bet on innovation, in the gastronomic and agricultural spheres, Valderrama reminded.
“We believe innovation is a very important topic. We are in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture to talk about the business roundtables, and to define whether to organize an innovation contest,” he told.
Mistura is expected to be take place at the Costa Verde, by Lima’s sea, as it has been since 2012. This is yet to be confirmed.
Mistura fairs reunite producers, cooks, buyers in a 2-week fair that is held every year.