
Peru: Mistura 2016 to welcome over 35,000 foreigners

Mistura 2015. Foto: ANDINA/Juan Carlos Guzman Negrini.

14:01 | Lima, Aug. 5.

Over 450,000 people —including more than 35,000 foreign tourists— are expected to attend the upcoming edition of Mistura Gastronomic Fair, according to official projections.

International visitors to Peru spend up to 10% of their budget on national gastronomy. Thus, they contribute to annual revenue bordering US$350 million. 

"Without any doubt, Peruvian gastronomy has become an engine of inclusive development, cultural identity and social integration. Besides, it is recognized as one of the world's top cuisines," Mistura's official airline Latam airlines indicated.

Since its foundation, Mistura has managed to consolidate as one of the world's leading food fairs. 

The event will take place at Lima's Costa Verde seashore on September 2nd-11th this year. 


Published: 8/5/2016