
Peru: Minsa issues early alert over eventual beginning of third COVID-19 wave



17:58 | Lima, Aug. 15.

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) has warned of new outbreaks of COVID-19 in the country and urged citizens to step up preventive measures in the event that a third wave of the pandemic has already started.

Health Minister Hernando Cevallos noted that an early alert has been issued as new outbreaks have been reported and some of them are causing significant concern.

That is the case of the National Maternal Perinatal Institute, where 26 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported among health staff.

"In addition, 36 cases have been registered at the Ancon I detention facility, and two ships —with patients infected with the Delta variant— have been put into quarantine," the government official stated.

To date, the National Health Institute (INS) has identified 105 cases of the Delta variant nationwide: Arequipa (7), Lima (39), Callao (16), Junin (16), Ica (14), Pasco (10), Apurimac (1), Huancavelica (1), and Ayacucho (1).

Moreover, it has been revealed that the percentage of positive molecular tests has increased in the regions of Ica, Pasco, and Junin, as well as in Callao.

Intersectoral coordination 

The health sector’s head indicated that, in light of this situation, citizens should not ease the preventive measures, even if they are vaccinated.

Furthermore, he noted that Minsa has stipulated the preparation of every hospital and health center to face the third pandemic wave. 

In this sense, Cevallos announced that the ministry will create a COVID-19 intersectoral coordination unit so that the different institutions combating the coronavirus can pursue the same strategy.


Published: 8/15/2021