
Peru: Judiciary formalizes preparatory investigation against ex-Congresswoman Luciana Leon

Photo: ANDINA/Congress of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Congress of the Republic of Peru

15:00 | Lima, Jul. 6.

The Peruvian Judicial Branch has decided to formalize and continue the preparatory investigation against ex-legislator Luciana Leon for the alleged crime of aggravated influence peddling, among others.

The former APRA lawmaker is investigated for her alleged links to the criminal organization 'Los Intocables Ediles' (The Town Council's Untouchables) accused of corruption felonies by local authorities in Lima's La Victoria district.

"Supreme Judge Juan Carlos Checkley approved the order to formalize and continue the preparatory investigation issued by the Attorney General's Office against ex-Congresswoman Luciana Leon," the Judiciary reported via Twitter.

The decision was taken after the Congress plenary session on June 15 approved the draft legislative resolutions providing that a criminal prosecution should be brought against the former lawmaker.

45-year-old Leon Romero is accused of the alleged crimes of aggravated influence peddling, improper passive bribery, and intentional embezzlement, in her capacity as author.

Following the voting, Congress Chairman Jose Williams announced that files will be submitted to the Attorney General's Office for it to proceed in line with its powers.


Published: 7/6/2023