
Peru: Gov't asks Congress authorization for presidential trip to Europe

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

14:31 | Lima, Oct. 3.

The Executive Branch has submitted an official request to Parliament so that the President of the Republic Dina Boluarte can be authorized to leave the national territory from October 11 to 15, 2023, to travel to Germany, the Holy See and Italy, where she will take part in a series of activities.

Along with the letter, the Executive Branch has submitted the respective draft legislative resolution, which states that the Head of State plans to go to the cities of Stuttgart and Berlin, in the Federal Republic of Germany; Vatican City, in the State of the same name; and Rome, in the Republic of Italy.

It also indicates that the President will participate as a guest of honor at the event called "Latin America Day," organized by the German business association Lateinamerika Verein e.V. (LAV, for its acronym in German).

In addition, Mrs. Boluarte will hold bilateral meetings with the Federal President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and other high-ranking authorities of said country; with Pope Francis and the Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin; and with the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Qu Dongyu.

The draft legislative resolution states that the Peruvian dignitary will remain in charge of the Presidential Office using digital technologies, which adopt digital security mechanisms and ensure the security of the means to be used, within the framework of current regulations.

President's itinerary

The official letter sent to Parliament indicates that the dignitary's visits and activities will take place on October 12, 13, and 14.

On the first day, President Boluarte will participate as a guest of honor at the "Latin America Day" event and will lead a presentation during the official dinner of this event organized by LAV.

The participation of the Head of State constitutes an opportunity to present Peru's economic perspectives to the business community, as well as promote investment and boost bilateral trade with Germany, in order to continue showcasing Peru as a reliable economic partner. 

That same day, she will meet with the mayor of the city of Stuttgart, Frank Nopper.

Meanwhile, on October 13, Peru's top official will travel to Berlin, where she will be received by President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, with whom she will hold a meeting aimed at strengthening bilateral relations, as well as revitalizing the visits of high-ranking German authorities to Peru.

Audience at the Holy See

The Executive Branch's letter states that, on October 14, President Boluarte will travel to the city of Rome, before going to the Holy See, where she will be received by Pope Francis at a private audience.

"This official visit is intended to promote, strengthen, and develop the relations between Peru and the Holy See, which have historically remained solid and positive, supported by the religiosity of the Peruvian people, based on mutual respect, autonomy, freedom of worship, and are legally based on the Agreement between Peru and the Holy See of 1980," the document states.

In addition, the Head of State will meet with the Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, with whom she will address bilateral issues such as the recognition of the support of the Catholic Church in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic; the exchange of points of view on the main issues on the international agenda; among others.

Meeting at FAO

Finally, in Rome, the Peruvian President will hold a meeting with the re-elected Director-General of the FAO, Qu Dongyu, which will be relevant for the country as it will allow discussing the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation signed in December 2021 between FAO and the Peruvian State.

The official letter also indicates that the event will contribute to promoting a cooperation agenda with said organization in a sensitive matter for the country, and will explore the impact on agriculture in the coming months due to the El Niño Phenomenon.

Furthermore, the meeting will be a prelude to the World Food Forum titled "The transformation of agri-food systems accelerates climate action," scheduled for October 16 in Rome.


Published: 10/3/2023