
Peru expresses to Ukraine willingness to participate in resolution to conflict with Russia

Photo: ANDINA/Vidal Tarqui

08:28 | Lima, Feb. 1.

Peru has expressed to Ukraine its conviction in favor of resolving the conflict between that country and Russia, thus considering the United Nations (UN) as the ideal stage for this purpose.

The Executive Branch representative indicated that Peru could participate in a process whose objective is to achieve lasting peace between the two countries.

The conversation between both ministers also addressed the need to find a prompt resolution to the aforementioned conflict, which has been unfolding with loss of many human lives for approximately two years.

Ideal stage

In this regard, Minister Gonzalez-Olaechea stressed that for Peru the UN is the ideal forum for the corresponding diplomatic work to be carried out.

It must be based on the principles of the UN Charter and international law, it was indicated on Wednesday.


Published: 2/1/2024