
Peru: EsSalud Loreto receives 130 medical oxygen cylinders

Photo: ANDINA/EsSalud

Photo: ANDINA/EsSalud

13:02 | Lima, Feb. 16.

In recent hours, the Social Health Insurance System's (Essalud) Assistance Network in Loreto region received a total of 130 medical oxygen cylinders to strengthen the quality of services provided at health facilities and reinforce the fight against COVID-19 in the rainforest area.

EsSalud specified that —once the new batch arrived in Iquitos from Lima— the cylinders containing this vital input were brought to Hospital III Iquitos and the COVID-19 Temporary Modular Hospital, where the largest number of critical patients are staying.

EsSalud's Loreto Assistance Network Manager Luis Quevedo reported that —given the increase in patients affected by this virus or suspected of having been infected— the demand for oxygen increased at the system's hospitals.

Therefore, in coordination with the headquarters, "every effort is made to provide this quality resource to hospitals and lower the need for (patients') relatives to search for it on their own," he added.

Quevedo affirmed that —given the shortage of cylinders to bring oxygen into the country's various regions— a faster rotation of cylinders is carried out through air bridges, in order to avoid a shortage of this important medical input in this area.

First vaccination sessions ends

On the other hand, the health authority reported that the administration of the first COVID-19 vaccine dose to front-line personnel came to an end on Monday.

It means that 70% of doctors, nurses, medical technologists, among other specialists, were vaccinated.


Published: 2/16/2021