
Peru: Education Ministry seeks to replicate good international practices for public works

Photo; ANDINA/Ministry of Education of Peru

Photo; ANDINA/Ministry of Education of Peru

10:00 | Lima, Jul. 16.

In order to facilitate the transfer of good international practices for the development of investment projects in Peru, representatives of Proyecto Especial de Inversión Pública (PEIP) Escuelas Bicentenario (Bicentennial Schools Special Public Investment Project) and the British Government participated in the working group for the implementation of said projects, which will add 75 in total.

At the meeting, British Ambassador Gavin Cook indicated that the government-to-government agreement between Peru and the UK contributes to closing the education infrastructure gap and building a legacy for delivering infrastructure faster, fairer, and in an ecological manner through the PEIP model.

PEIP Escuelas Bicentenario Executive-Director Eduardo Pelaez pointed out that the experience does not consist only of executing works, but also focuses on the technical and human legacy, as well as on the scalability of the model so that it can be replicated at different government levels —also among citizens who deserve high-quality public services.

Officials from the Peruvian Ministries of Economy-Finance and Education, as well as from the PEIP Escuelas Bicentenario, participated in this event.

On behalf of the British Government, representatives of the Department for International Trade, the Economic Diplomacy team, the Welsh Government, and other entities participated in the event.

Also, the forum was attended by representatives of the Embassy of Finland in Peru.

The PEIP Escuelas Bicentenario, through the signing of a government-to-government agreement between Peru and the United Kingdom, receives specialized technical assistance from the British-Finnish Koulu Consortium for the management and development of 75 schools nationwide, which will benefit more than 114,000 students.

Last June, the first pilot package was awarded. It included the following educational institutions in Metropolitan Lima: San Felipe (Comas district); 0035 Nuestra Señora de la Visitación (Central Lima); 0085 José de la Torre Ugarte (El Agustino); and Jorge Basadre Grohmann (Los Olivos).

Once completed, these four schools will house 4,200 students from Metropolitan Lima.

About PEIP Escuelas Bicentenario

It is the first Special Public Investment Project from the Education sector and pioneers in executing infrastructure projects —within the framework of the government-to-government agreement with the United Kingdom, which provides it with specialized technical assistance, along with the Government of Finland as a strategic partner.


Published: 7/16/2022