
Peru: Congress publishes authorization for presidential trip to Bolivia

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

12:30 | Lima, Oct. 27.

The Congress of the Republic on Wednesday published Legislative Resolution No. 31356, which authorizes President Pedro Castillo to travel abroad on October 30 to attend the Peru-Bolivia Presidential Meeting and VI Binational Ministerial Cabinet in La Paz.

The legislative resolution was published in the Official Gazette El Peruano.

The Peru-Bolivia Presidential Meeting and VI Binational Ministerial Cabinet will aim to promote the broad bilateral agenda and establish a space for political dialogue.

On the occasion, actions will be coordinated on issues of common interest in favor of the development and well-being of both nations' populations —particularly those based in the border area.

Four thematic axes have guided binational cabinets with Bolivia, which began in June 2015:

1. Environment and transboundary water resources.
2. Security and defense.
3. Economic development, social policies, and institutional strengthening.
4. Infrastructure for integration and development.

October 30 will mark the first Peru-Bolivia Binational Cabinet under President Pedro Castillo.


Published: 10/27/2021