During a plenary session on Thursday evening, Parliament admitted for debate the third impeachment motion against the
The legislator based this request on various complaints filed against the president and his entourage.
There were 73 votes in favor, 32 against, and 6 abstentions linked to the request raised for the reasons set forth in the Constitution's Article 113, Subsection 2.
After said election, legislators approved with 59 votes in favor, 45 against, and 1 abstention the debate to be held on December 7 at 3:00 p.m. (local time).
According to Congress' Regulations, the vote of at least 40% of qualified legislators is required for the motion to be admitted for debate —out of a total of 120.
There are 13 parliamentary groups that currently make up Congress. Of these, the ones that declared themselves in favor of admitting said motion for debate were the following:
- Renovación Popular (Popular Renewal)
- Avanza País (Go on Country)
- Somos Perú (We are Peru)
- Fuerza Popular (Popular Force)
- Podemos Perú (We can Peru)
- Alianza para el Progreso (Alliance for Progress)
On the other hand, those against its admission were:
- Bloque Magisterial de Concertación Nacional (Magisterial Bloc of National Agreement)
- Perú Libre (Free Peru)
- Cambio Democrático - Juntos por el Perú (Democratic Change - Together for Peru)
- Perú Bicentenario (Bicentennial Peru)
- Integridad y Desarrollo (Integrity and Development)
- Perú Democrático (Democratic Peru)
In the case of Acción Popular (Popular Action) party, its members' votes remained divided.
Previous motions
On December 7, 2021, a first presidential impeachment motion was not admitted for debate and voting at Congress plenary session, as it had not reached the 52 votes necessary for said purpose.
On March 28, 2022, a second motion of this type against the current president was submitted to Parliament for consideration.
On that occasion, 55 legislators voted in favor, 54 against, and 19 abstained.
Thus, the qualified majority established by law for this type of request to be approved was not reached (87).