
Peru condemns airstrike on al-Tabin School in Gaza Strip

Photo: ANDINA/Daniel Bracamonte

Photo: ANDINA/Daniel Bracamonte

11:02 | Lima, Aug. 12.

The Peruvian Government —through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs — has condemned the air attack on al-Tabin School in Gaza Strip, which has caused numerous deaths and injuries, including children and innocent people.

The Ministry said in a communiqué that the use of force without distinction or proportionality seriously increases tensions in the Middle East.

"Therefore, Peru reiterates that a ceasefire in Gaza is an essential requirement for ending hostilities in the region, the release of hostages, and unrestricted access to humanitarian aid for a civilian population that has been without means for security and a dignified life for over 10 months," reads the text.

Similarly, Peru rejected the use of violence against the civilian population, wherever it may come from.

In this regard, the Peruvian Government once again urged the parties to respect international law at all times, especially international humanitarian law, "in order to guarantee the protection of civilians regardless of their nationality or creed."

Gaza Civil Defense reported that at least 93 people were killed in the bombing of al-Tabin School, which the Israeli Army said was used as a command center for the Islamist Hamas movement.

The bombings are among the deadliest since the war in Gaza Strip began, triggered by a Hamas attack on Israeli soil on October 7, 2023.


Published: 8/12/2024