19:04 | Cajamarca (Cajamarca region), Feb. 15.
Cajamarca's traditional carnival came to an end on Thursday, with a huge crowd saying goodbye to Ño Carnavalon or King Momo.
King Momo is considered the king of Carnivals in numerous Latin American festivities. His appearance signifies the beginning of the Carnival season.
The mythical character toured the streets of
Cajamarca city onboard a float —decorated with flowers, balloons, and streamers— en route to Los Baños del Inca district, his resting place.
His remains departed from Chontapaccha neighborhood at 11:00 AM.
As he passed through Cajamarca's historic center, people bade him farewell amid applauses, whereas tourists took pictures of the moment.
Later, King Momo was joined by "widows," who re-enacted suffering and mourning scenes next to his coffin, thus adding a touch of eccentricity to the event.
Upon arrival in Los Baños del Inca district, he met the King Momo of such place. After that, both of them were taken to El Pueblo sporting complex, where the farewell ceremony took place.
Their bodies were burned following their wills reading, which described the carnival process.
The event was attended by the carnival's organizers and the beauty queens from both districts.
Published: 2/15/2018