
Peru: British tourist who fell off Huarapasca Peak rescued



14:57 | Lima, Jul. 31.

A British tourist had an accident during an expedition to the snow-covered peak of Huarapasca, located in the district of Catac (Recuay province) in the mountains of Ancash region.

The British citizen, identified as Jack Jones, fell about 120 meters through an ice wall, suffering various blows during his fall.

The Peruvian Mountain Guides Association (AGMP), together with Huascaran National Park personnel, participated in the rescue operation.

High mountain guides Angel Morales Dominguez and Daniel Milla Lliuya led the efforts.

Afterwards, the British national was taken to a hospital in the city of Huaraz (Ancash region), where he has received medical treatment ever since.

It was reported that the tourist's medical condition is unstable because of the height from which he fell.


Published: 7/31/2023