
Peru: Archaeologists uncover cemetery with banquet area to honor the dead

11:08 | Chiclayo (Lambayeque region), Dec. 7.

A cemetery with a banquet area to commemorate the dead was discovered at El Chorro archaeological site, located in Chiclayo's Pomalca district in northern Peru, said Edgar Bracamonte, the person responsible for the Lambayeque Valley Archaeological Project.

This burial ground was used between the final stage of the Mochica culture (A.D. 800-1000) and the end of the Lambayeque culture.

The archaeological complex is situated in Chiclayo's Pomalca district.

A total of 32 tombs have been unveiled so far, 23 of which date back to the final stage of the Mochica culture (Middle Horizon) and nine belong to the Lambayeque civilization.

"The importance of this cemetery is evidenced by the quantity and density of its tombs, plus the number of feasts held there," he affirmed.

The archaeologist highlighted the discovery of a female mummy —among many graves of women and youth— along with textile tools and a ceremonial copper metal knife typical of the Lambayeque culture.

"Apparently, it was an offering representing a sort of lineage or hierarchy within the group because the object —considered an element of differentiation— was seen only in that grave," he underlined.

Dissection of children's feet

Bracamonte indicated there is a pattern in the body of about 17 children: Their feet were cut up on purpose.

"We have to bring two more to the surface, and an adult whose hand was cut up and placed near his feet. We are going to find out the gender and age with a physical anthropology study," he pointed out.

It must be noted excavations at the Chiclayo-based site started two months ago.


Published: 12/7/2018