The finds include a 7-meter-diameter circular wall made of stone and mud belonging to pre-Inca Marcavalle culture in what is today a youth rehabilitation center.
According to Luz Marina Monroy, archaeologist in charge of the research, the ring-shaped structure would have been used as a dwelling and a ritual site.
Archaeologists also discovered part of a similar wall —believed to have been part of a workshop and warehouse— with signs of successive human occupation.
Inside both constructions, the experts found a large number of Marcavalle culture pottery fragments decorated with human and animal faces, obsidian points, stone tools, as well as stone and bone beads.
Other artifacts included needles and spatulas made out of animal bones; ceremonial figurines; dogs and camelid bone remains; as well as remains of seeds and products like corn and beans.
The discovery confirms Marcavalle culture developed at the time when Chavin and Paracas cultures ruled Ancash and Ica regions, respectively.
DDCC head Vidal Pino Zambrano underlined the enormous value of the finding, which is proof that Cusco saw "the first steps of Andean civilization, which found its ultimate expression in the Inca culture."
"We will continue to foster this research project, since Marcavalle is like a book one must keep reading in order to understand our history," Pino pointed out.