11:58 | Sangalle (Arequipa region), Feb. 7.
A new rescue team has joined the search for Natasha Crombrugghe, a Belgian tourist who went missing in
Colca Valley, in the mountains of Arequipa region, several weeks ago.
It should be noted that rescue teams have been searching for the 28-year-old Belgian visitor since last week.
The foreigner has been missing since January 23, the day she left the hotel where she was staying in Cabanaconde district to go to Sangalle.
This new group is joining the two teams that began the search last week. Said teams are made up of high mountain police and Eloy Cacya, a well-known natural rescuer from Colca Valley.
Recent reports indicate that search teams have covered the routes that Natasha Crombrugghe may have taken to reach Sangalle, such as Llahuar, San Miguel, Achachihua and Jesana.
Sangalle is a place that allures many tourists. It is located on the banks of Colca River, in Cabanaconde district.
The surrounding area is wild, hence the need to elicit the services of a tour guide to get to the area.
According to her relatives, Natasha Crombrugghe had arrived in Arequipa alone. In posts shared on social media, she is seen visiting Machu Picchu and the Manu National Park a few weeks beforehand.
Published: 2/7/2022