This year our country celebrates the Christmas holidays in unity and in peace, but also with progress achieved as a nation for a better Peru, with better development opportunities for all families, said the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), in a message for the Christmas and New Year celebrations.
“We celebrate the end of year holidays in a Peru with public services closer to the citizen. This year the MAC centers (Offices of public services for the citizens) were promoted in Ancash, Puno and Ica with an investment of more than 18 million soles (US$ 4.4 million) that ensure access to State procedures and services for 280 thousand people,” explained the PCM.
“Also with the implementation of 38 MAC Express that will benefit more than 500 thousand citizens of communities, hamlets and populated centers of Amazonas, Ancash, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Huánuco, Ica, La Libertad, Lima, Loreto, Moquegua, Piura, Puno, San Martín and Ucayali”, added.
The PCM also detailed as an advance achievement the 12 approved legal instruments related to digital government, digital trust and digital transformation and the 100 % implementation of 492 digital complaint book platforms in public entities at all levels of government, with the support of this entity, which provided assistance to 340,342 citizens.
The PCM pointed out that thanks to the fact that the borders between Amazonas and La Libertad and Cusco and Arequipa have been closed, 150 thousand people who live in border areas have a single responsible for the provision of services.
“We celebrate with a Peru with new infrastructure, through the National Infrastructure Authority (ANIN) 27 modern and equipped educational institutions were delivered, benefiting more than 13 thousand students with an investment of 1,428 million soles; two health centers were completed and delivered in Piura and the execution of the Yungay health center in Ancash was finished,” detailed the PCM.

The Government body also highlighted the completion of five works for prevention natural disasters with an investment of 1,051 million soles, protecting more than 50 thousand people.
“During these holidays we celebrate a different Peru, with a modern, efficient State that works for Peruvian families and to close social gaps,” the PCM pointed out.
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Published: 12/24/2024