The Government of Peru has authorized —on an exceptional basis— the start of in-person school classes at public educational institutions at primary and secondary levels located in rural areas.
According to
Ministerial Resolution No. 229-2020-MINEDU, published in El Peruano official gazette, the authorization will be granted to schools with limited access to means of communication and connectivity, in places where there is no incidence of coronavirus infections, based on updated reports from health authorities.
Regional Education Directorates or those carrying out their functions, will inform the
Ministry of Education (Minedu) about the authorizations granted and the degree of compliance with the minimum conditions.
The document provides that Regional Education Directorates or those carrying out their functions authorize the start of the in-person education service provision in educational institutions, at the proposal of Local Educational Management Units that —upon request of the school principal— verify compliance with the minimum conditions established in the resolution.
Local and communal authorities may request the school principal or the corresponding Local Educational Management Unit to authorize the opening of educational institutions within their jurisdiction.
Additionally, Local Education Management Units (UGEL) must include the information provided by regional or local health authorities regarding the status of COVID-19 in their jurisdictions.
Published: 6/17/2020