
Fujimori banned from leaving Peru for 18 months

10:00 | Lima, Mar. 25.

The Fourth Transitional Superior Chamber of the Superior Court of Specialized Criminal Justice on Thursday issued an 18-month ban on former President Alberto Fujimori, which prohibits him from leaving the country due to the Pativilca case.

In this sense, the jurisdictional body declared the prosecutor's request well-founded, ordering the variation of the simple appearance order for appearance with restrictions.

Likewise, it ordered that the former president comply with some restrictions, such as the obligation not to be absent from the area where he resides. In any case, he must request authorization to leave the territorial area.

Furthermore, Fujimori is not allowed to change his home address without prior communication and express authorization from the magistrate. Thus, the latter must be informed on the day of the release (through a letter) of the home address that Fujimori will have in the city of Lima.

Moreover, it was stipulated that Fujimori will eventually be obliged to attend every audience summoned by the judicial authority.

In addition, it was established that the term of validity of the rules of conduct and the prohibition on leaving the country, for 18 months, will be counted from the date of this resolution —both terms are extendable.
The jurisdictional body also ordered that police and immigration authorities be notified of the data of the plaintiff so that they can ensure compliance with this measure.

Judge Miluska Cano determined that Alberto Fujimori be notified of the actions imposed, thus informing him that if the rules are not complied with, the measure will be revoked and turned into preventive detention.

About Fujimori

After having fled to Japan and traveled to Chile, from where he was extradited to Peru, the Fujimori patriarch was sentenced for crimes against human rights and corruption committed during his term in office.


Published: 3/25/2022